Heights Honey
Client: Urban League of Essex County
Role: Strategist and Designer
Objective: Create a separate brand for the Honey program run through the Urban League of Essex County so that the honey could be sold and marketed in a more creative way.
Heights Honey is a social enterprise started by the Urban League of Essex County (ULEC). As part of the program, community members can learn the skill of beekeeping. The honey that is produced from the bees can be sold and the profit goes back into the program and other community initiatives run by the Urban League. Students from local schools are able to take field trips to the community garden to learn about bees and gardening.
This was a full branding project to differentiate the honey from the Urban League and present it as a separate brand. The name Heights Honey was chosen to represent the Fairmount Heights neighborhood in Newark where the Urban League is. The phrase "empowering communities saving bees is a play on the Urban League's tagline "empowering communities. changing lives." The design also incorporates the ULEC logo into the body of the bee. I chose to go with a badge design as the logo as a versatile and cost effective solution. They can be printed out as stickers and put on the jars by staff , the stickers can be sold individually, and the design can be used on t-shirts